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Quoin 002

Quoin 002

On the dark brown background of the partition beam face, separated from the wall plane with white vertical stripes, white floral patterns a tree were painted. At the top is the outline of a three-lobed flower (lily?) on a thick stem divided at the bottom into two leaves with four fingers. Nine dots are placed above the side of the downward curved petals. The flower and dots are framed by double lines in ashape similar to an inverted heart. A circle is placed under the stem and between the leaves.

The second motif consists of a vertical stem with two contoured leaves at the bottom, separated at the top into two petals drawn with a double line, bent downwards and rolled into a light spiral. In the center above them are petals and a circle surrounding a strip of rhythmically repeated dots.

Item: quoin of a shack

Material, technique: pattern painted with white lime on a dark brown background obtained from burnt clay containing iron compounds with a binder of boiled linseed, browned rye flour, egg and linseed oil emulsion

Dimensions: height 19 cm, width 11 cm and height 17 cm, width 13 cm

Creation time: copy of the motifs documented in the interwar period

Origin: Osława basin – Wola Michowa

Owner: The Rural Architecture Museum of Sanok

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Also check

Bowl 002

Bowl 001

Pot 007

Pot 006

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